Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jericho Road Church Updater!

Tomorrow (November 25) we will be dropping off food for a Thanksgiving meal for our 'adopted' family that we are blessing. If you want to join, meet at Justin's house at 6pm (1464 Lexington Ave. 49441). We are also going to be blessing this family for Christmas as well! more details to come during our Advent series which leads nicely into the next announcement.........

This week we are starting our new series called 'Advent Conspiracy'.... I'm sure we will start seeing more new faces with the holidays approaching so this is your official promotion as an official 'greeter' at Jericho Road Church! Be sure to make everyone feel welcome!

December 24th we will be having our first Christmas Eve service! we haven't nailed down a time yet, but look for it to be in the evening... if you have a preference or a suggested time, feel free to respond!

Don't forget that you can text in your questions about the message, other spiritual matters, etc to 231.740.3919 that will be answered the following Sunday morning service!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Friday, November 20, 2009

so long evening services...

You will be in our fond memories, but now we start a new season for our church... We now meet at 11 a.m.
We are still at Cancun Connection (2411 Hall Rd.) but we are searching for our next location... be praying with us as God directs us!
See you all Sunday morning!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

we interrupt this episode of Love Mission...

...to bring you an URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT!!

This Sunday night will be our last evening service! Beginning November 22, we will have an 11 a.m. service. We will continue to meet at Cancun Connection until further notice. We still have access to Love INC's facility for child care. Please continue to pray as we seek our next location! PLEASE pass this info along to all who may not get it here!!

...and now back to your regularly scheduled program.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Love Mission week 8:

The last week of Love Mission is up to you. Create your own opportunities. Allow God to use you in tangible expressions of love as you have been the past seven weeks. If you have made it this far, then continue to let the floodgates burst open and let Christ’s love flow out of you in extraordinary ways!

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t let the end of this journal be the end of your own, personal love mission. Continue to understand and grow in the love of Christ, and in turn, respond by showing that same love to others on a regular basis!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Love Mission week 7:

Two more weeks to go! It is going to be difficult not to fizzle out here in the home stretch! Let's encourage each other to push through!

This week's missions:

1) A listening ear: Discover a need or interest of a neighbor or friend who doesn't know Christ.

2) I found a dollar!: Leave 1 or a few dollars in strategic places so other people find a surprise.

3) Car note: Leave a note on 3 or 4 cars. Take your time and write something thoughtful and mind-provoking.

4) You first: Open the door for some people and let a few people in front of you in line. Try to develop a daily habit of making people our mission and not just tasks!

5) Follow up: (from a listening ear) Whatever need you heard from that day, act on this need or interest. Whether it's an activity to experience with them, or a physical need you can meet!

As always PLEASE leave your stories of redemption below... I know that even I have been negligent, but let's make these last two weeks a success!