Monday, September 28, 2009

Love Mission week 2

This weeks' acts of love:

Physical Help - If you see your neighbor working on something, offer them a hand.

Randomness - Give time or an item to someone you know will greatly appreciate it.

Building Up - Call someone who does not know Christ and encourage them. Tell them something that builds them up.

Hanging with an expert - Take time to visit someone who is elderly. Listen to their story.

Introductions - You've prayed for them, now it's time to go meet two neighbors and introduce yourself.

For more detailed missions, be sure to pick up a Love Mission journal next Sunday night at church! As always, leave your stories in the comment space below!!!


  1. I have a double dose for this comment...
    but before I do that I just want to say that it has been difficult to push through these missions in this second week.. I have almost been avoiding them because they are a bit more difficult... I was able to accomplish two, but am still committed to catching up for next week..
    1.) I set up a time to hang out with my grandparents who live in Grand Rapids... I know they won't be around forever, and this was a long time coming anyway... my wife and I are going over there in a couple weekends for lunch and a heated game of scrabble.. (: I'm looking forward to this. I was just at my cousins wedding last weekend and my grandpa and I chatted briefly... it was so refreshing to hear a man of experience speak with such wisdom.. I look forward to our hang-out time in a couple weeks!
    2.) I called a friend... He has been on my heart for a few years and we continue to remain close. My wife threw me a surprise birthday party with a bunch of my friends and he was there. He has never been into the Church thing or God, so for him to stay there the whole time the rest of us used our corny Christian lingo and played pictionary and drank our soda's and ate our meatballs really meant a lot to me... so I called him this morning and told him that.

    A difficult thing for me will be giving away a possession. I have done this in the past and have really been blessed by it, but I think I have put so much pride and value on 'what is mine' that it is making it difficult... I look forward to posting in the future how God has delivered me from this selfishness when I break through and be a blessing to someone!

    I'll speak for someone else here too... a newer member of our church gave my step-son Blare several articles of clothing. Nice clothes too.. Blare loves them and wants to wear these every day now!! This is something tangible that has directly blessed my family. Sometimes you never know how these things impact people until they happen directly to you!!

    I hope this is an encouragement to all of you!!

  2. To be honest, I've failed at responding in the opportunities given since I've started the book... Maybe just lazy? I'm going to really try harder to open my eyes this week and allow myself to get past myself. I'm so thankful for a leadership team that's hearts are geared for service. May this week it be contagious. That's my prayer. Looking forward to our mission together on Tuesday night. Believing in great things ahead!

  3. ok, so I'm just going to mention that I have been s-l-a-c-k. John and I went for a walk on Saturday and he asked what one of the missions was that I had yet to do... I said "introduce yourself to a neighbor". So on our walk we went up to a neighbor that was outside with his dog and just introduced ourselves. I think he thought we were up to something, but... it was nice.

    As far as giving something away... from last week...I wore a favorite necklace that my sister made for me to work and gave it to the first person that said the like it. And I know she does. She wore it again today. :)
