Sunday, December 27, 2009

Our 1st Annual Meeting...

...will be on Sunday, January 17 @ 6 p.m.

Here we will be voting on Elders and Deaconesses, highlighting the budget and going over other important items as they relate to the church! PLEASE plan on being there for this important day!!!


Monday, December 14, 2009

prayer walk/invitation hand-out!

This saturday, December 19 we are walking/driving through our church's new neighborhood praying over it and also inviting people to join us, specifically to our Christmas eve service! we will meet at the church at 2pm

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


14389 State Rd. is the address. We will be meeting there THIS SUNDAY at 11 a.m!!! spread the word. DIRECTIONS: from muskegon:

take 96 E, take the fruitport exit and turn right onto 3rd Ave, go through town, road curves left and turns into Apple Dr, turn right at 144th, go approx 1.5 miles and church will be on your left at the corner of 144th and State Rd.

This facility provides us with space for nursery and children's ministry! This is a perfect temporary solution for us as a church right now as this is a place we can call 'ours' and can keep our stuff set up in 24/7.. let's keep in mind that our church is not a 2x4 or a building... we are a body and let's plan to be used by God in great ways here!

If you have any questions feel free to email Justin or Eric:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jericho Road Church Updater!

Tomorrow (November 25) we will be dropping off food for a Thanksgiving meal for our 'adopted' family that we are blessing. If you want to join, meet at Justin's house at 6pm (1464 Lexington Ave. 49441). We are also going to be blessing this family for Christmas as well! more details to come during our Advent series which leads nicely into the next announcement.........

This week we are starting our new series called 'Advent Conspiracy'.... I'm sure we will start seeing more new faces with the holidays approaching so this is your official promotion as an official 'greeter' at Jericho Road Church! Be sure to make everyone feel welcome!

December 24th we will be having our first Christmas Eve service! we haven't nailed down a time yet, but look for it to be in the evening... if you have a preference or a suggested time, feel free to respond!

Don't forget that you can text in your questions about the message, other spiritual matters, etc to 231.740.3919 that will be answered the following Sunday morning service!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Friday, November 20, 2009

so long evening services...

You will be in our fond memories, but now we start a new season for our church... We now meet at 11 a.m.
We are still at Cancun Connection (2411 Hall Rd.) but we are searching for our next location... be praying with us as God directs us!
See you all Sunday morning!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

we interrupt this episode of Love Mission... bring you an URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT!!

This Sunday night will be our last evening service! Beginning November 22, we will have an 11 a.m. service. We will continue to meet at Cancun Connection until further notice. We still have access to Love INC's facility for child care. Please continue to pray as we seek our next location! PLEASE pass this info along to all who may not get it here!!

...and now back to your regularly scheduled program.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Love Mission week 8:

The last week of Love Mission is up to you. Create your own opportunities. Allow God to use you in tangible expressions of love as you have been the past seven weeks. If you have made it this far, then continue to let the floodgates burst open and let Christ’s love flow out of you in extraordinary ways!

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t let the end of this journal be the end of your own, personal love mission. Continue to understand and grow in the love of Christ, and in turn, respond by showing that same love to others on a regular basis!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Love Mission week 7:

Two more weeks to go! It is going to be difficult not to fizzle out here in the home stretch! Let's encourage each other to push through!

This week's missions:

1) A listening ear: Discover a need or interest of a neighbor or friend who doesn't know Christ.

2) I found a dollar!: Leave 1 or a few dollars in strategic places so other people find a surprise.

3) Car note: Leave a note on 3 or 4 cars. Take your time and write something thoughtful and mind-provoking.

4) You first: Open the door for some people and let a few people in front of you in line. Try to develop a daily habit of making people our mission and not just tasks!

5) Follow up: (from a listening ear) Whatever need you heard from that day, act on this need or interest. Whether it's an activity to experience with them, or a physical need you can meet!

As always PLEASE leave your stories of redemption below... I know that even I have been negligent, but let's make these last two weeks a success!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Love Mission week 6:

This week's missions:

1) Buy someone a gift card who has a specific need

2) Make plans with a neighbor to watch a game or to have a cup of coffee.

3) Rake leaves for a neighbor. If there are no leaves, improvise!

4) Anonymously leave money in a neighbor's mailbox or doorway with a note about God's provision.

5) Tell someone about the love of Christ! Hopefully someone you have already been ministering to!

As always leave your stories of redemption in the comment space below!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Love Mission week 5:

This week's missions:

Give a song: Give away a CD (or buy one for someone) with spiritual significance.

Simple acts of love: Go to a park or somewhere outside and intentionally give someone who is cold a sweatshirt or jacket.

A practical need: Provide a 'date night' for someone by offering to watch their kids.

Prayer: Ask permission to pray with a neighbor.

Church can be a scary place: Invite someone to Jericho Road.

As always, leave your stories of redemption in the comment space below!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Love Mission week 4

This weeks missions:

Hand-Me-Downs: Gather up some stuff you don't use much anymore and give it to someone who can use it.

Pray with someone: Ask God to lead you to someone and pray for them.

Tax collector table: Go to a non-Christian venue and hang out with those who do not know Christ. Be a positive influence!

Reflex: Buy a gift card for someone.

Outside interests: get involved at a non-Christian event and let your light shine.

as always, leave your stories below!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Love Mission week 3

October 4-10

This weeks missions:

Daily Bread: Gather up the clothes you don't need/use and bring them to Love INC.

Love Your Enemies: Write a letter to someone you've had deep conflict with. Let them know you forgive them, or that you need to be forgiven.

Read This: Give away a book that has inspired you. write an encouraging note inside of the cover.

Feeding Five Thousand: bring food over to your neighbor. It can be a meal or just a baked good.

Spiritual Warfare: Walk around your neighborhood and pray for it. Stop somewhere and read Matthew 18. Pray for God's saving grace.

Don't be discouraged if you are getting behind. Let's continue to push forward as a community!! Please leave your stories in the comment section below!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Love Mission week 2

This weeks' acts of love:

Physical Help - If you see your neighbor working on something, offer them a hand.

Randomness - Give time or an item to someone you know will greatly appreciate it.

Building Up - Call someone who does not know Christ and encourage them. Tell them something that builds them up.

Hanging with an expert - Take time to visit someone who is elderly. Listen to their story.

Introductions - You've prayed for them, now it's time to go meet two neighbors and introduce yourself.

For more detailed missions, be sure to pick up a Love Mission journal next Sunday night at church! As always, leave your stories in the comment space below!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Here we are! We have officially launched as a church and we are set-out as a community on a tangible 'Love-Mission'. In week one of our journal we will begin to see simple acts of love that we need to demonstrate to our neighbors and friends.
This week's missions:

Living Water take a bottle of water to a neighbor working in their yard.

Shirt off your back: Give someone an article of clothing or possession they have told you they liked.

Volunteer: -at a para-church ministry.

Buy a coffee: -at a coffee shop for the person in front of you at a coffee shop.

Pray: -for seven neighbors on your block... even if you don't know their names.

In the comment section below, begin to tell your stories... win or lose!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Get Set...

On September 20th we are officially launching Jericho Road Church! We really want to look towards this date to invite guests to see what we're all about. We will have a cookout, starting at 5:00 p.m. followed by an outdoor service at 6:00 p.m.

Everything will be provided so spread the word! We will also be passing out flyers in the Community on Saturday, September 12 at 4:00 p.m. We will meet at Cancun Connection. We will also be having a dinner party at Eric and Jenni's new house following this! (Eric will be recording the Michigan vs. Notre Dame game to watch if you're worried about missing it!)

Hope to see you all there... this is so exciting!! God is GOOD!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

get ready...

I have never been so excited about anything within a church body than I am about this vision... For those of you who missed the meeting, we are setting out as a church, on a mission... a mission that will bring the kingdom of God into our communities and our world as we know it. Through tangible expressions and selfless acts of love, we will show our neighbors Christ. There are simple ways to make this happen... The journey begins in August! Join us!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Jericho Road Updater

This Sunday night we will be in our third week of the 'Ruth' series. It has been awesome for single's and married's alike! I hope you'll join us for this weeks service!

Tuesday, July 21 we are asking our church to fast and pray for what lies ahead for Jericho Road. We strongly believe God has amazing things in store for us if we remain faithful to what he's called us to.

Saturday, July 25 is our next Core Group Meeting. This is a great opportunity for you to hear what our BIG SURPRISE is coming up this fall (you don't want to miss it) and also to have your opinions and ideas heard. This is an exciting time to be on the ground floor of what's happening!

Saturday, August 15 we will be serving our community by giving away donuts and coffee to random strangers on and around Apple Ave (near our church location).

Thursday, August 20 we will be serving at National Project Homeless Connect hosted by Love INC (right next door to Cancun Connection). We will be passing out clothes, school supplies, food, etc to those who need it most in our community! This event is sure to bless you just as much as it blesses those we will be serving!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Jericho Road Updater:

What an amazing opening night of Jericho Road's Sunday night services!! Praise the Lord! If you missed out on this, you will surely need to be there This Sunday night!
There were several new faces who we should look forward to greeting and welcoming back this week. Be sure to memorize names and be sincere!

We still need volunteers for certain elements: Childcare, Nursery, Greeters, Service Projects. See Jennifer Wagenmaker for the first three and Matt Schwemin for Service if you are interested!

We have a prayer walk scheduled for THIS WEDNESDAY NIGHT! June 10 at 7pm. We will meet at Cancun Connection and walk thru the neighborhood and pray for God to move in the community!

This Sunday night we will be joined by Jeff Brown. He is the superintendent of the Christian Missionary Alliance (the denomination that is planting us). At the end of the service he will be doing a Q & A session. Please come with any questions you might have about their role in partnering with us! Check out the CMA website at

Our next Core Group Meeting will be Saturday, June 27 at 5:30pm at the Greenhouses. We will plow through the next step of PLACE training and talk through other important things as well!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


This Sunday night we are launching our church services! it's at 2411 Hall Rd (Cancun Connection) right next to Love INC
-take Apple Ave. east, Left on Sheridan, right on Hall, second building on the right.

Join us for a great time at 5:30 PM!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

take note:

of our new meeting times for the Core Group Meeting as well as our Vision-Casting Night! they are listed below.
See you saturday night!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

don't forget...

about our two events (illustrated below).
Also be in prayer about the decision to transition to Sunday nights at Cancun Connection (2411 Hall Rd.)
There are a few needs that we have on our radar as we look forward to this next phase. Please be in prayer about these and let us know if you can be involved in, or have any ideas about one of these areas!

-sound system
-set-up and tear-down crew
-children's director

I can't wait to be a beacon for Christ in this new venture! You all rock!


Monday, April 27, 2009

Our next vision-casting night...

... is Sunday night, June 7 @5:30pm at our new location: Cancun Connection (2411 Hall Rd). Come get refreshed on the vision and bring your curious friends!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Our next core group meeting...

... is Saturday night, June 6 at 6pm. John will get us started with PLACE testing. Us four elders have already been through this and it is an unbelievable tool!
We'll be at the greenhouses for this meeting for the last time! If you haven't already read through the minutes of our last CGM, please do so in the post below this one! Leave any questions or feedback!

We had an awesome time at our cookout! It got a little windy, so we moved the party down the road to Erin Keokkeok's house... thanks to all who came out!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Minutes for the Core Group Meeting

I know a few of you weren't able to attend, so here are the complete minutes of our meeting from this afternoon:

Sunday, April 19 2pm

Michelle Thompson, Christine O, Adrianne Thornton, Carol Schindlebeck, Brian Gerst, Tana Schwemin, Matt Schwemin, Justin Thornton, Eric Wagenmaker, John Schindlebeck, Jennifer Wagenmaker.

Justin opened the meeting with prayer at 2:15pm.

I Cor. 12:12-20

Justin commented that we are all one 'body' and that everyone's voice will be heard.

Topic 1: Leadership Structure (in order)

1. Jesus
2. (CMA)
3. Elder Board
4. Deacons/Deaconesses
5. Good Samaritans

-Jesus is the ultimate leader and who ultimately leads us.

-The CMA (Christian and Missionary Alliance - Denomination) is in parenthesis because they are a support network who we answer to and who will give us government and accountability, but will not micro-manage us.

-Church Elders will be founded and rooted with a Biblical basis which is as follows:
Hebrews 13:17, I Timothy 5:17, I Peter 5:1-7, and I Timothy 3.
Justin called attention to John Schindlebeck, Matt Schwemin and Eric Wagenmaker and recognized them as Elders as well as himself, pointing to the preceding scriptures and pointing out that they all align with them. Justin also mentioned that there will be a phase of our church that will have to learn to trust the leadership and they recognize it doesn't just come naturally. There will be a vote six months after the official 'Launch' to confirm eldership.
Justin also pointed out how the four elders balance each other out and how God had brought us together in such a unique way. The Elders spoke on their core giftings and passions:
Justin: His main giftings are Teaching and Leadership. He will be the primary Lead teaching pastor.
Matt: His main passion is service which also ties in to his gifting as well. He will oversee service projects within the church.
Eric: His primary spiritual gift is Administration. His main passion is leading worship and creating a culture that understands what worship really means. He will be the primary worship leader as well as fulfill administrative functions within the church.
John: He has a very balanced personality which allows him to understand many types of people and personalities. He is very passionate about art and creativity. His primary role in the church will be overseeing small groups and helping people thrive in their spiritual gifts/personality/passion/experience as it relates to serving.

-Good Samaritans will be those who serve and lead at volunteer levels, whether its greeters, ushers, sound tech's, etc.

Topic 2: Giving/Tithing

Mark 12:41-44 Giving is a matter of the heart
Malachi 3:10 Giving is of God
2 Corinthians 8:3-4 Giving is a privilege

Budget make-up: (incoming)

50% Start-up (music stands, AV equipment, chairs, pew Bibles, etc)
28% Salaries* (will start being disbursed June 2009)
10% Missions
5% Service Projects
5% Christina Education (materials, resources, etc)
2% District (goes to the CMA for funding other church plants like us)

*Justin also mentioned that the CMA is helping with some salary support as well as some start up costs.

Topic 3: The Planting Plan

When we cast our vision a few weeks back there were three phases to who we're going to be: Love Jesus, Love People, Change the World. In this phase (where we are right now - a core group of about 15), we are going to strive to do one thing well. We don't want to get ahead of ourselves.

-Do "Love Jesus" well phase: we need 50-70 people, child care, preaching and teaching, worship, good Samaritans, counselors, and start up funds.

-Do "Love People" well phase: we need enough people to break up into house churches, train house church Leaders, good house church structure, and materials.
*Michelle asked what we meant by 'house churches'. "Does this mean we're all splitting up and making a bunch of different churches or are these like small groups?"
Justin clarified that these will be 'small groups' and that the Elders had not yet created a specific 'language' or 'title' for these yet.

-Do "Change the World" well phase: Each house church will have their own service project in each season. Also send out missionaries.

*Justin went back and explained that He and Eric will be overseeing 'Love Jesus', John will be overseeing "Love People" and Matt will be overseeing "Change the World".

Topic 4: Where YOU come in!!

John explained PLACE: -A spiritual gift/personality test that recognizes strengths, abilities, passions and experiences and combines them all to figure out where you can serve in the church and THRIVE without burn out. This will begin at our next core group meeting.


Michelle asked: "Will we have a youth group?"
Justin responded by saying our first priority will be children's ministry and that youth groups usually need a youth pastor which will be down the road.

Christine asked: "Are we NOW a church?"
Justin responded by saying that we are emphasizing that we're a 'core group' not a church. We will steer away from 'church' language until we are ready to do the 'first phase' well (love Jesus - see above notes)

Christine asked: "who is the CMA?"
Justin responded by encouraging people to check out their website to look at doctrine, etc.

Michelle asked if there could be a database for everyone's contact info in case anyone wanted to get a hold of someone for any reason. She then volunteered to put that together.

Christine asked if the roles of deacons/deaconesses could better be explained.
Justin responded by saying those who will oversee different aspects of ministries within the church will be deacons. they will be appointed as leaders and will also be Biblically based (latter part of I Timothy 3).

Andrew Hill was absent but presented written questions:
1.) Does everyone understand the vision of Jericho Road?
Justin asked the present members if they could do so... this exercise proved that no one really understood the broad basis of it. Justin went over briefly again what he taught about a few weeks back on the vision-casting night:
Love Jesus (hearing/teaching the word, worship), Love People (small groups, breaking bread, Acts 2:42-47), Change the world (service, missions, outreach).

2.) What does the core group believe our roles should be?
Justin responded by saying he'd talk one on one to Andrew

3.) What does it mean to love Jesus? How do we measure that?
Justin let the present members respond:
"people will see Jesus through you"
"you can measure our love for Christ by spiritual growth"
"you can measure it by the fruit we see in our lives"
"Everyone is at different stages"

***Justin proposed a new meeting site and a new night to meet. He asked Eric to explain the details.
Eric explained that he and his wife have been taking ballroom dance lessons at a restaurant/bar and thought how perfect it would be for meeting there. He explained how he met the owner and shared with her about the church plant he was a part of and the owner was open to have us there on Sunday nights, free of charge. Cancun Connections (formerly 'Rossies') on Hall Road is the location.
Everyone was excited about the possibility and there were no reservations about the location.
Michelle was slightly concerned about meeting at six on sunday nights due to it being the night before the week started, getting kids in the bath and in bed on time, etc. She suggested starting at 4 or 5 if we moved it to sunday nights.

Justin closed the night in prayer 3:50pm

Monday, April 13, 2009

some dates to remember

Sunday, April 19, 2pm: Core Group Meeting - This will be a question/answer type of forum.. be sure to be there!

Friday, April 24, 6:30pm: Matthew Party - the two locations are at Eric and Jenni's and John and Carol's.... choose who your favorites are and go there... just kidding! THIS IS IN PLACE OF BIBLE STUDY FOR THE WEEK.
Be sure to invite your friends!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Vision

Loving Jesus.
Loving People.
Changing The World.

What aspect are you most excited and passionate about? In what ways do you see yourself as a major player/contributor to this movement?

I know I'm pumped!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Broken Cisterns

Thank you John for a great message... what were some ideas of cisterns thrown out in your small group time?
With next week being our week of 'casting vision' let's invite others to come and hear what we're all about! I think there are some curious people out there who could get excited about what God is doing in our group!
We're also brainstorming on a church name, so be sure to leave some ideas here if you have any! God bless...

Monday, March 9, 2009


What a great challenge this week... Re-read Acts 2:42-47 and be reviewing it also throughout the week! What convictions did you gather from this text, teaching and small group time? What other questions might you have about this? What specific actions is this text calling us to as a community?

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Let's see if we can each be responsible for bringing at least one new face next week! I truly believe there is at least one person in all of our lives that could use a little bit more of Jesus! There were lots of new faces this week (Praise God!) so let's keep that going!

Also, let's really get behind meeting the needs that were mentioned this week:

-Furniture for Justin
-A Bike for Nick

I think Nick has a specific one he has his eye on, so who's in for chipping in 5-10 bucks to make this happen? I'm good for $10... comment to this post to add to the pot! Also comment if you know of any furniture we can get into Justin's new place! Let's take care of our people!!

Loving Jesus,
Loving Others.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

I Corinthians 1:10-13

I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought. My brothers, some from Chloe's household have informed me that there are quarrels among you. What I mean is this: One of you says, "I follow Paul"; another, "I follow Apollos"; another, "I follow Cephas"; still another, "I follow Christ."
Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized into the name of Paul?